Summit NJ's Record Turkey Drive Brings Holiday Cheer
SUMMIT, NJ -- With Thanksgiving just a few short days away, Sunday proved to be a momentous day for the Other Fellow First Foundation -- a local volunteer organization that looks to put a smile on the faces of so many families that may be facing hard times and struggling to enjoy a bountiful turkey day with all the trimmings.
During its 17th Annual Frozen Turkey Drive, the group collected a record five tons of turkeys donated by a generous local neighbors, who dropped their food off outside the front of the Summit Diner, where it was all placed on a 36-foot tractor trailer waiting to ship the goods off to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey. |
Local Non-Profit Delivers Teddy Bears to First Responders
SUMMIT, NJ - A local non-profit is looking to help children in Summit who may need a little extra boost.
The Other Fellow First Foundation donated 50 teddy bears last week to The Summit Rescue Squad and Summit Police Department, to give to children during times of crisis. “We are lucky to have such a dedicated Police Department and Rescue Squad who always run toward danger to protect our community,” said Summit Mayor Elizabeth Fagan. |
Thank You, Summit
Thank you, Summit!
More than 2 decades ago, we started our little foundation with a mission to help Summit-Area families in crisis. We established our “world headquarters” at the Summit Diner, a local institution that reflects our mission to remain small, bureaucracy-free and community-based. We serve anyone in need, regardless of race, religion or life circumstances. If we learn of someone in an immediate financial emergency, we are set up to quickly respond and provide support. We are the “safety net” for our community. |
We Need Your Help
Dear Friend,
The Other Fellow First Foundation has had the privilege of providing emergency financial support to Summit-area families in crisis for over two decades.
One of our most rewarding efforts was rallying support for Edward Roman (who many of you will recognize from the Village Trattoria) in his fight to overcome cardiomyopathy, a fatal hereditary disease which took the lives of his mother and twin brother. Edward could have easily (and understandably) given up hope.
The Other Fellow First Foundation has had the privilege of providing emergency financial support to Summit-area families in crisis for over two decades.
One of our most rewarding efforts was rallying support for Edward Roman (who many of you will recognize from the Village Trattoria) in his fight to overcome cardiomyopathy, a fatal hereditary disease which took the lives of his mother and twin brother. Edward could have easily (and understandably) given up hope.
However, with the generous help of the Summit community and the Other Fellow First Foundation, he soldiered on and received a life-saving heart transplant.
Miraculously, Edward has returned to work at Village Trattoria; he and Linda have been blessed with a beautiful son named Leon.
Please watch the video below to hear Edward's story and please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Other Fellow First to help us continue our important work.
Miraculously, Edward has returned to work at Village Trattoria; he and Linda have been blessed with a beautiful son named Leon.
Please watch the video below to hear Edward's story and please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Other Fellow First to help us continue our important work.
Thank you for taking the time to consider supporting our little Foundation.
Thank you,
Jim Greberis, Jordan Glatt, Neale Trangucci, Courtney Zanelli, Mary Cummins, David Haire, Jamie Haire, Brett Haire
Thank you,
Jim Greberis, Jordan Glatt, Neale Trangucci, Courtney Zanelli, Mary Cummins, David Haire, Jamie Haire, Brett Haire
'Tons' of Support: Summit Community Once Again Delivers the Goods at 'Frozen Turkey Drive'
SUMMIT, NJ - The Summit community once again showed the 'Frozen Turkey Drive' tons of support.
As in 3.5 tons ... of turkey. The 16th edition of gobble goodness and generosity that is the Other Fellow First Foundation's signature event collected 365 birds -- the afore-mentioned 3.5 tons -- along with 2.5 tons of groceries and more than $1,000 for the Community of FoodBank of New Jersey (CFBNJ). The benevolence of the Hilltop City community filled up the CFBNJ truck on Union Place, and saw the event run out of collection boxes and pallets. |
Summit 'Frozen Turkey Drive' Set for Nov. 19
SUMMIT, NJ - For 15 years, the Summit 'Frozen Turkey Drive' -- founded by Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation to help bring together those in need with those who have -- has operated under the belief that adversity doesn’t develop character, it reveals it.
The 16th edition of the Foundation's flagship event -- the 2023 'Frozen Turkey Drive' -- is just around the corner, once again providing Hilltop City residents with the opportunity to help those less fortunate. |
Community's Assistance Sought for Summit Electrician Whose Life Changed in an Instant
SUMMIT, NJ - Most folks know the maxim that "Life can change in an instant."
However, when those words become reality, it can be -- at times -- wonderful, but also -- far too often -- the new reality can be devastating. Master electrician and crew leader Zenoviy (Zen) Khomyn checked all the boxes as ideal employee during his 13-years working at Summit's Oliver Browne & Sons -- soft-spoken, honest, hardworking, loyal, knowledgeable, and courteous. Ukrainian-born Zen holds an Electrical Engineering degree from the Lviv Polytechnic Institute in Ukraine. He immigrated to the US with his wife and daughter in 1996. |
Summit Foundation's Drive Collects Six Tons of Turkey for Area Residents in Need
SUMMIT, NJ - The 15th Anniversary Summit Frozen Turkey Drive collected a bumper crop of birds, with the Summit community donating six tons of turkeys -- along with four tons of groceries and $4,000 cash -- through the annual event administered by the Other Fellow First Foundation.
All the food and money collected goes to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey. The event was, literally and figuratively, facing some hefty headwinds, with icy gusts whipping about the Hilltop City along with cost increases and turkey shortages part of the landscape this year. These challenges, however, did not deter the traditional strong support of the Summit community which, once again, responded with spectacular generosity. |
Summit Community Supports Native Son's Journey to a New Lease on Life
SUMMIT, NJ - Edward Roman's life-changing moment has a specific date attached to it. May 3, 2022.
That's when doctors at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx successfully completed his heart transplant surgery. His prognosis for a full recovery is excellent and, miraculously, his always friendly face and demeanor are once again back behind the counter at Summit's Village Trattoria.There's more life-affirming elements to his story, as he is engaged, and he and his fiancée Linda Reyes have a son, Leon. |
Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Recognizes Graduating Junior Members
SUMMIT, NJ - Nine members of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad's 'Juniors Program' -- all residents of the Hilltop City -- were recently celebrated at the Squad's annual graduation ceremony.
The juniors were honored for having fulfilled their commitment to the program as they graduate from their respective high schools. In addition, five members of the graduating class received scholarships as they embark on the next phase of their education. |
Mike D’Ecclessis Concludes Five Decades-Long Shift at Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad
An organization in Summit that specializes in such generosity is the Other Fellow First Foundation, which is calling attention to Mike’s service by funding that scholarship in his name. Local firebrand Brett Haire started OFFF, as he calls it, with Jim Graberis, who owns the Summit Diner. Brett was introduced to Mike when the Squad was trying to raise big money to build a new headquarters. Brett and Jordan Glatt, Summit’s former mayor, decided to lead the fundraising campaign through the Other Fellow First Foundation. That partnership spurred in Brett a deep respect for Mike’s service.
“To be in his presence is humbling,” Brett said. “He’s a guy that has a family, children, a career, yet he did this for a huge portion of his life.” Haire hopes that by shining a light on Mike’s extraordinary service, the scholarship, and the stories about Mike it inspires, will prompt another generation to step up and contribute to their community. As it was in 1970, the country is split into fractious tribes and agitated about inflation and war. But someone like Mike, who is so “conspicuously gallant,” as Brett put it, might arouse some local harmony -- and perhaps encourage others to give of their time or treasure. “If you can point to somebody who is doing something for no reason other than somebody needs to do it and, if they don’t do it, it won’t get done, and what they’re doing is saving someone’s life, you can agree that person is special and rare.” |
2022 Thank You Letter
More than 2 decades years ago, we started our little foundation and chose the iconic Summit Diner for our world headquarters.
Why? Summit is a little city with a huge heart. The Summit Diner has been a Summit landmark since 1929. Through its doors walk a wide variety of people who speak numerous languages, practice a myriad of faiths, have many different skin colors, have all sorts of income levels. In short, these folks set aside all their differences and come to the Diner because of the great comfort food, Jersey friendliness and the intimacy of the place. Everyone is special in the Diner. Everyone is treated the same and always with respect. We have seen US Senators wait in line for their takeout coffee behind garbagemen. |
Summit's Terrific Turkey Drive Turnout Yields Six Tons of Food Donations for CFBNJ
SUMMIT, NJ - The Summit community has once again has answered the call to help their neighbors who are struggling, as four tons of turkeys, two tons of groceries and $3,700 in cash donations were collected by the Other Fellow First Foundation at its 14th Annual Frozen Turkey Drive.
Other Fellow First Foundation's 14th Annual 'Summit Frozen Turkey Drive' Set for Nov. 21
SUMMIT, NJ - Nearly two years after it began, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the community. Some have weathered the storm while, sadly, some neighbors continue to struggle with the pandemic and other issues.
Mary Cummins Joins Other Fellow First Foundation Board of Directors
SUMMIT, NJ - Mary Sheehan Cummins, longtime Summit resident and the owner of Marigolds, has joined the Other Fellow First Foundation's Board of Directors, Foundation President Jordan Glatt announced. She joins a Board which includes Co-Founder Jim Greberis, Co-Founder and Chairman Brett Haire, Neale Trangucci, Courtney Zanelli, Jamie Haire and David Haire.
74-Year Old Summit Nurse Loses Home to Fire and NEEDS HELP
74-Year Old Summit Nurse Loses Home to Fire and NEEDS HELP! We are asking the broader Community for Help, as a recent fire ravaged the home of Margaret Wanic, who lives with her son at 51 Huntley Road. Margaret and her son managed to escape the house in their pajamas, but unfortunately, Margaret’s son is in the hospital with smoke inhalation injuries. Their home is not livable, they lost everything in the fire, and they find themselves overwhelmed. Please consider joining us by supporting our GFM appeal (link in bio). Margaret has always been there for others, and now it’s our tur to be there for her and her family. #HelpingOthers
A Special Thank You To All Other Fellow First Foundation Supporters
Last year was difficult for all of us. Our community suffered through unprecedented trials.
2020 also marked the 20th Anniversary of the Other Fellow First Foundation. Given the circumstances caused by the pandemic, the Foundation's Trustees -- in lieu of a celebration -- chose to focus on increasing its resources and support for the Summit-area families in need. As a result, the Foundation provided a record level of monetary grants -- more than $140,000 -- to support families facing unforeseen challenges. |
Summit Mayor Nora Radest and Other Fellow First Foundation Discuss ‘Summit Warm Hearts’ Initiative
Summit Mayor Nora Radest and Other Fellow First Foundation Discuss ‘Summit Warm Hearts’ Initiative
Other Fellow First Foundation Reflects on 2020
While it is easy to wish for 2020 to disappear, we think that would be a mistake without a quick review of some Summit positives.
Like most communities, this year posed a serious challenge to the word normal in Summit. The COVID-19 virus seriously disrupted our lives and our way of life. Worst of all, Families were deprived of the precious language of the caring hug. . All of the above occurred in the blink of an eye and changed everyone’s behavior in Summit. |
Other Fellow First Foundation's Matching Gift Supports 'Summit Warm Hearts' Initiative
SUMMIT, NJ - Stepping in and stepping up to help the Summit Interfaith Council's 'Summit Warm Hearts' initiative, Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation is pledging a $10,000 matching gift to help the program reach its $20,000 goal. Funds raised will help provide overnight accommodations and meals for 13 homeless Summit residents.
Summit Community Gobbles Up Opportunity to Set New Frozen Turkey Drive Collection Record
SUMMIT, NJ - Chalk it up to 'Just Summit Being Summit'.
Despite the pandemic and the many hardships it has presented to all, the Hilltop City again showed that giving back is a major part of its DNA. A fact reinforced in bold numbers -- specifically the record-setting numbers achieved during the 13th Annual Summit Frozen Turkey Drive staged by Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation. |
Summit's Annual Frozen Turkey Drive Set for Nov. 22
SUMMIT, NJ - The COVID-19 pandemic has brought myriad changes -- and for some, sadly, tragedy -- to the lives of folks all over the globe. Summit has not been exempted from this seismic impact, with the virus mandating changes to virtually every aspect of life in the Hilltop City.
Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation Establishes Fund to Assist Victims of Morris Ave. Fire
SUMMIT, NJ - The COVID-19 pandemic has altered everyone's sense of normalcy, disrupting many of things folks assumed would be part of their lives, day-in and day-out. It has been a trying and, for many in the Garden State and beyond, tragic time.
Trio of Other Fellow First Foundation Initiatives Help Raise $75,000 for Five Summit Agencies
SUMMIT, NJ - In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic just two months ago, Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation invited the Hilltop City's residents to again demonstrate why Summit is a special community, asking them and their neighbors to match or surpass a $25,000 challenge gift.
Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation, Peter Wallburg Studios Capture Family Doorstep Memories
SUMMIT, NJ - It is said that "a picture is worth a thousand words." Given the adage, Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation and Peter Wallburg Studios recently collaborated to craft a 43,000-word story and, in the process, wrote another chapter in the Hilltop City's book of benevolence.
Fighting Food Insecurity in New Jersey
While establishing a delivery service during the Covid-19 crisis for house-bound seniors and other vulnerable neighbors in our community, two dire situations were exposed: the ubiquity of food insecurity in our towns and the harrowing disruption of the Meals On Wheels supply chain due to the global pandemic. This heroic organization needed immediate help. Through a collaborative effort, community leaders came together swiftly and decisively to answer that call. This is their story.
Moment in Time: Summit Family Photo Opportunity Part of Foundation's Push to Help Community Agencies
SUMMIT, NJ - Caught In a time like no other in recent -- or even distant -- memory, community members find themselves engaged in behaviors that include practicing social distancing, wearing face coverings, washing their hands constantly, and celebrating achievements like getting their hands on disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer or toilet paper at the market.
Sticking It to The Virus, Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation Continues Fundraising, Starts Bumper Sticker Campaign
SUMMIT, NJ - Like a lightning-quick boxer whose trainer is shouting "stick and move, champ," Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation is leading with a one-two punch in the efforts to rally the community in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
Other Fellow First Foundation Asks Summit Community to Push Onward, Upward as Fundraising Effort Approaches $50,000
SUMMIT, NJ - Since launching an effort to help those who make it their mission to help others, the GoFundMe page originated by Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation has -- when factoring in the Foundation's $25,000 pledge -- now exceeded $48,000.
Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation Launches Effort to Help Those Who Help Others
SUMMIT, NJ - Over the past two decades, Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation has responded to myriad community needs, helping families and individuals that were in distress. Facing unprecedented circumstances presented by the coronavirus pandemic, the Foundation is asking for the community's help in meeting the latest challenge.
Courtney Zanelli Joins Board of Summit's Other Fellow First Foundation
SUMMIT, NJ - Courtney Zanelli has joined the Board of Directors of Summit’s Other Fellow First Foundation. The longtime Summit resident is the owner of Courtney Zanelli, LLC. She joins current Board members Jim Greberis, Jordan Glatt, Neale Trangucci, David Haire, Jamie Haire and Brett Haire.
Responding to Family's Adversity, Summit Community Helps Weaver Street Fire Victims Get Back on Their Feet
SUMMIT, NJ - The day after Christmas, Martha Ramirez and her family were burned out of their home on Weaver Street. Some of the residence's occupants were forced to leap from second-story windows and ended up in the hospital. Mercifully, there were no life-threatening injuries, and all are now doing much better.
Other Fellow First Foundation Springs Into Action, Establishes GoFundMe Site for Summit Family Devastated by Boxing Day Blaze
SUMMIT, NJ - Hilltop City Good Samaritans The Other Fellow First Foundation is answering the call -- and calling on the Summit community to join them -- to help the family affected by the December 26 fire that severely damaged a duplex at 20 Weaver Street.
Other Fellow First Foundation, Central Church Collaborate to Help Selfless Summit Servant
SUMMIT, NJ - Her family has been part of the Summit Community for nearly 100 years. After losing her brother, Fran Moore Banks adopted his three special needs children -- two of which are now in college -- and raised them as her own. The youngest teenager is still living with her.
Serving Others: Summit Foundation Steps In to Assist Diner Employee Who's Fallen on Tough Times
SUMMIT, NJ - Mae's smile and sunny demeanor light up the iconic Summit Diner as she greets Hilltop City residents and folks from neighboring communities, one of many reasons the venerable Summit eatery is so popular with those who come there from parts near and far to experience a true New Jersey original.
Life And Debt: These Twins Need New Hearts And A Whole Lot Of Money
At just 24 years old, the Roman twins have each had heart surgeries that cost more than $1 million. If they’re lucky, they’ll both have another million-dollar surgery in their futures. They’ll need even more good fortune to be able to afford to stay alive.
Edwin and Edward Roman have a condition known as cardiomyopathy, which causes the muscles in their hearts to enlarge, thicken and harden, reducing their ability to pump blood throughout their bodies. Symptoms include swelling in the legs, bloating in the abdomen, fatigue and difficulty breathing. |
Summit Area YMCA Honors Community Partners in Annual Celebration
We’re a very small foundation with a very simple mission. We think of ourselves of a quiet community shock absorber. There’s only 5 of us, we don’t have a grants committee. Our board meetings are short, typically at the Summit Diner, and it doesn’t take us very long to address a community need. Having limited resources keeps us hungry, flexible and creative,” said T. Bret Haire, Other Fellow First Foundation President. “We’re small, we mainly raise money, so we need partners who are good with helping people and organizations like Summit Tap and the Y fit the bill...We have been exceptionally inspired by the powerful and positive role modeling that you and your organization provide our community. Following your shadow, we work very hard to keep the unity in community.”
Serving Others: Summit Foundation Steps In to Assist Diner Employee Who's Fallen on Tough Times
"SUMMIT, NJ - Mae's smile and sunny demeanor light up the iconic Summit Diner as she greets Hilltop City residents and folks from neighboring communities, one of many reasons the venerable Summit eatery is so popular with those who come there from parts near and far to experience a true New Jersey original."
Leroy Horn's Medical Bills

As many of you know Leroy Horn , fondly known as coach Horn, suffered a stroke in early August. He was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks and underwent quite a few tests and procedures. Thankfully he is doing well but still is unable to return to work at the Summit YMCA. He will be undergoing further procedures and surgery next month. Unfortunately Leroy has no insurance and no income. His medical bills are mounting and he has exhausted all his funds. Leroy needs our help to get through this very tough time.
This page has been created to reach out to as many people as possible who may not know the dire situation that Leroy is in. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Let's all pull together to help Coach Horn.
This page has been created to reach out to as many people as possible who may not know the dire situation that Leroy is in. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Let's all pull together to help Coach Horn.
Billy's Good Samaritan Fund

Summit New Jersey's Good Samaritan, Billy MacAdam needs your help…
Recently, Billy MacAdam was beaten to within an inch of his life. Stopping at night on Route 24 to help two strangers who were stranded proved to be a mistake. The intoxicated man viscously turned on Billy and broke his leg, his hip and caused serious bleeding on Billy’s brain. For most of us, this would be a traumatic life changing event, for Billy, who had a heart transplant 8 years ago, and is now on dialysis, and in need of a kidney transplant, this is just more bad luck.
Billy is a longtime Summit resident, a recently retired Captain of the Summit Auxiliary Police Department and a serial volunteer at Summit events like the Easter Egg Hunt, Memorial Day Parade, 4th of July fireworks, National Night Out, and the Turkey Drive before Thanksgiving, just to name a few.
Billy has been in rehab and unable to work. Additionally, he has also lost his apartment and is now homeless and temporarily, until he gets back on his feet, living with his brother. Before the incident, Billy was able to work a few hours a day as a crossing guard which, in addition to his disability check was barely sustaining him.
The little Other Fellow First Foundation, which exists to assist Summit families in distress is helping Billy get back on his feet and secure enough financing for him to find an apartment and deal with his crushing load of expenses.
Please help him if you can.
Recently, Billy MacAdam was beaten to within an inch of his life. Stopping at night on Route 24 to help two strangers who were stranded proved to be a mistake. The intoxicated man viscously turned on Billy and broke his leg, his hip and caused serious bleeding on Billy’s brain. For most of us, this would be a traumatic life changing event, for Billy, who had a heart transplant 8 years ago, and is now on dialysis, and in need of a kidney transplant, this is just more bad luck.
Billy is a longtime Summit resident, a recently retired Captain of the Summit Auxiliary Police Department and a serial volunteer at Summit events like the Easter Egg Hunt, Memorial Day Parade, 4th of July fireworks, National Night Out, and the Turkey Drive before Thanksgiving, just to name a few.
Billy has been in rehab and unable to work. Additionally, he has also lost his apartment and is now homeless and temporarily, until he gets back on his feet, living with his brother. Before the incident, Billy was able to work a few hours a day as a crossing guard which, in addition to his disability check was barely sustaining him.
The little Other Fellow First Foundation, which exists to assist Summit families in distress is helping Billy get back on his feet and secure enough financing for him to find an apartment and deal with his crushing load of expenses.
Please help him if you can.
Summit Community Forms Effort to Help Victims of New Year's Eve Apartment Fire
"A glimmer of hope for those who lost so much exists, however, in Summit's own Other Fellow First Foundation, a small, but nimble, charitable organization that exists solely to do what its name directly implies -- to help their fellow man, especially those who have been dealt a cruel hand by fate."